Most Reputable Residential Roof Repair Company in Texas Cross Timbers

Quality Roof Work, Exceptional Customer Service


Over 8 Years in Business


Proud to Offer a 10-Year Workmanship Warranty


Financing Options Available

Stephenville’s Residential Roof Repair Professionals

Stephenville Residential Roof Repair Professionals

Residential roofs can last for decades, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require some attention over the years! With proper maintenance and repair, you can prolong the life of your roof by years! Bar H Contractors is a Stephenville roofing company that can work with you to ensure that your roof is always in its best condition, no matter what life throws at it.

Our team can repair and maintain all different types of roofs: asphalt shingle roofs, metal roofs, tile roofs, cedar roofs, and slate roofs. Every roof repair starts with a thorough inspection so that we can accurately assess the state of your roof and see what repairs need to be made. Then, we will recommend the best solutions that will serve your home and stay within your budget.

Has it been long since your roof has been inspected? Give us a call today and our experienced team can come take a look!

Reasons to Get Your Roof Repaired

Hidden Damages

It isn’t easy to see everything that’s going on with your roof, because some of the damage could be right underneath the surface of your roof. Our team is trained to inspect your roof from the top-down and we know exactly what to look for. Additionally, we are always well-equipped to inspect your roof safely so that you never have to risk walking on your roof.

Save Money

If you think skipping a repair or inspection will help you save money, think again. When you don’t fix small issues, they could turn into big problems later on. Passing on repairs can mean getting a roof replacement sooner than you think, which is a lot more expensive than repairing your roof.

Budget Ahead

The worst time to replace your roof is when you least expect it. When you get your roof repaired and inspected once or twice a year, you can stay aware of your roof’s condition and plan accordingly for the future. This allows you to start saving up for a roof replacement down the road, rather than scrambling for cash in the middle of a roofing emergency.

Residential Roof Repair FAQs

What is the difference between a roof repair and a roof replacement?

A roof repair means fixing smaller issues on your roof, such as replacing material in a localized area or patching a hole. If you let problems in your roof sit for too long, the integrity of your roof declines rapidly. Push these smaller issues to the side and you run the risk of spending a lot more time and money on a replacement roof that you could have avoided. A replacement will require a complete tear-off of your existing roof and the installation of a brand-new roof.

How often should I have my roof inspected?

It’s best to have a professional come out at least every few years, depending on how old your roof is. We never recommend walking on your own roof without the proper safety equipment.

Can I patch my roof myself?

Roofing is one of the most hazardous professions out there and we do not recommend you walk on your own roof to make a repair, especially if you are not trained to do so. Another consideration is if you improperly repair your roof on your own, it could void any warranties on your roof or, worse, cause extra damage to your roof that will be even more expensive to fix.

Bar H Contractors works on all types of roofs and can help you choose the best roofing option and style to complement your home. If it’s not quite time for a replacement, then our team is dedicated to ensuring your current roof is up-to-date on repairs so that you can prepare for a replacement when it’s the right time. No matter what, Bar H Contractors is on your side and will work to keep the roof over your head safe and sound.

Contact us today for a free inspection and we will send out one of our top contractors to take a look at your roof.

Hire a Team of Roofing Professionals You Can Trust

At Bar H Contractors, we’re committed to providing superior customer service and excellent craftsmanship. We’re ready to show our customers exactly what makes us different. We’ll be happy to discuss your residential roofing needs and offer a free, budget-friendly inspection.

Reach out to us today to get your free inspection!